EarthFest Demonstrations
Catch these in action at scheduled times throughout the day!
All Ages

Mount Boom
Explosive volcanic eruptions are spectacular and dangerous. They are driven by rapidly expanding gas – either released from within magma or generated when it contacts water near Earth’s surface. We will use water and liquid nitrogen to see and hear the powerful forces involved as Mt. Boom erupts!

All Ages

The Land Down Under
Did you know magnetism can be used to see beneath the grass?!
Compasses show us magnetic direction, but magnetometers show how strong the magnetic field is. We will use a portable magnetometer to get a ‘look’ at what lies beneath the Otago Museum lawn.

All Ages

Coke Volcano
Drop Mentos into a bottle of Coke with a Geyser Tube and watch a gas-driven soda eruption - just like a volcanic eruption! This fun and fizzy experiment shows how gas pressure builds and bursts, sending liquid soaring. Prepare to be amazed by the power of bubbles!

Primary School

Quake Point
Have you ever wondered how scientists detect and measure earthquakes? Find out by becoming your very own human seismometer!
We'll work together to locate a range of "earthquakes" and discover what factors make it easier or harder to detect and measure them. Remember to drop, cover and hold, and if it's long or strong, get gone!